NESCO Arrange the relationship for B2B and B2C any kind of Products Internationally. We handle with small to large Companies with quality assurance and also conduct final inspection on behalf of the Seller.
We are quite confident that, considering the related factors, you would precisely figure out our abilities and eventually would decide to channel your product through our process.
Buyer Credibility – we evaluate the capacity and capability of every Buyer.
Branding – In order to anchor themselves in people’s minds and hearts, companies need to understand what their customers are feeling. We combine creativity with data and technology to create positive emotional brand experiences that will become success stories.
Sales Representative – Assign our sales force to sell and promote your brand and products internationally.
Shipment release from where house– We also conduct final inspection on behalf of the you and Shipment Release from where House.
Shipment/Cargo Handling – All shipping documents are reviewed and verified accordingly as per buyers’ instruction. All cargo is handled by reputable forwarder to obtain correct information regarding ETD and ETA of vessels because time of delivery is as important for us as it is to the buyer.